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WhichCraft will live on

Friday, June 17, 2016 by Elizabeth Pagano

Those who have been following the saga of South Lamar’s WhichCraft Beer Store will have to find something else to occupy themselves with for the time being, after City Council closed the zoning case with a unanimous vote. As everyone no doubt recalls, there was an error on the city’s zoning map, and a license to sell alcohol was issued before the mistake was discovered. Though the neighborhood was satisfied with the current state of things — including selling growlers — state law made allowing that complicated. On Thursday, a compromise was realized,
and Council voted to change the store’s zoning to CS-1, with an overlay that prohibits cocktail lounge uses. To clear up any confusion, a letter from the city to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission will allow seating in the establishment and growlers to be sold, despite the overlay. Representing the owner, Drenner Group’s Dave Anderson explained that the landlord had concerns that receiving the appropriate TABC permit could be complicated by the city penning the letter. Anderson further explained that the landowner felt that he was entitled to CS-1 zoning on the entire property, given an earlier promise made by the city and the fact that is was purchased with the understanding that that was the existing zoning. In the end, Council voted unanimously to approve the zoning change, with Council Member Ellen Troxclair absent.

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