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UT switches to online instruction

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 by Elizabeth Pagano

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Texas announced Tuesday that all spring semester instruction will be moved online, starting March 30. In addition, a letter from UT President Greg Fenves asks students not to return to campus this semester “unless there is a specific need.” Fenves continues, “This decision today will create new challenges for many of our students, specifically regarding the completion of courses and credit (especially for students intending to graduate this year), housing, the retrieval of personal items from university residence halls and access to technology away from campus. Our goal is for all students to complete the courses they are registered for during the spring 2020 semester.” According to the letter, support staff working on the transition to online instruction, aiding with student housing and working in critical areas of public safety, IT support and the like will continue their work. In addition, according to the letter, “Some research – including efforts specifically related to COVID-19 – will continue, with social distancing procedures put into place in laboratories. All lab directors will make localized decisions about whether to maintain operations and are preparing shutdown procedures in case that is needed. Undergraduates will no longer participate in research in person. Graduate students may opt out of lab work at their discretion.” A decision has not yet been made concerning May commencement.

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