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Time for Trail of Lights

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 by Tai Moses

Austin’s Trail of Lights returns to its traditional stroll-through format this year, which means more traffic and parking woes for visitors. Organizers of the glittering seasonal spectacle recommend leaving the car at home and walking or biking along the Hike-and-Bike Trail and/or taking a Capital Metro bus. Barton Springs Road and the MoPac Expressway frontage roads will close nightly during the event around 5:15 p.m. Find more information about transportation and road closures here. The Trail of Lights will be open through Dec. 23 and is free Dec. 13-15 and Dec. 18. On other nights, a shuttle service is available at the Toney Burger Center and Republic Square for $7/person (which includes admission to the event).

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