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So long, civil warriors CG4TX

Monday, January 31, 2022 by Tai Moses

After 10 years, the Austin community organization Common Ground for Texans is shutting its doors, having decided “with heavy hearts” that it has “run its course.” In an emailed message to supporters, the nonprofit’s board wrote, “Like so many other nonprofit organizations during Covid, folks are tired. Attracting new leadership is more than challenging. We value all those who have come to our meetings, viewed our recordings, and advocated for our goals.” CG4TX, as it was called, endeavored to find common ground across the political spectrum while promoting greater civic engagement and respectful discourse. The group even had a civility pledge to remind members and supporters to keep their cool when discussions grew heated: “I pledge to conduct myself in a way that is civil, honest and respectful toward people with whom I disagree. I value people from different cultures, I value people with different ideas and I value and cherish the democratic process.” For those who want to continue (politely) fighting the good fight, CG4TX recommends several other like-minded organizations to support or join, including the Austin Area League of Women Voters, Braver Angels Central Texas and Ranked Choice Voting for Texas. Farewell, CG4TX, your voice of reason will be missed.

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