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Scruggs concedes to Troxclair

Friday, December 19, 2014 by Mark Richardson

In what was by far the closest race in Tuesday’s City Council runoff elections, District 8 candidate Ed Scruggs finally conceded the contest to Ellen Troxclair late Wednesday. Scruggs, a Democrat, lost by just 57 votes out of more than 12,000 cast. On his Facebook page he wrote, “Out of respect for the process, the voters of District 8 and so many who have given so much time and effort, we spent the day examining the returns and consulting with elections officials. It is very clear the result withstands scrutiny and the outcome will not change.” Troxclair, one of three Republicans elected to the new 10-1 Council, wrote on her Facebook page, “I am so humbled and overwhelmed by the incredible outpouring of support, and cannot wait to get to work for District 8.” The new mayor and 10 Council members will be sworn in on Jan. 6.

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