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Jo Clifton is the Politics Editor for the Austin Monitor.
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Planning Commission appointments coming up
Monday, February 8, 2021 by Jo Clifton
Mayor Steve Adler said Thursday that City Council will be scheduled to discuss Planning Commission appointments at its next work session, which is Feb. 16. Because Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the city over having too many real estate-related appointees on the commission, Council needs to discuss those appointments, rather than making unilateral decisions. Council approved Council Member Leslie Pool’s reappointment of Todd Shaw on Thursday, with Adler explaining it was fine to go ahead with that reappointment, especially since Shaw is not employed in the real estate industry. Council Member Mackenzie Kelly also removed her predecessor’s appointment to the commission, Greg Anderson. Anderson, who was serving in his third term and works for Habitat for Humanity, was philosophical about his removal. He told the Austin Monitor he was not surprised and that he does not live in District 6. Anderson is a strong supporter of denser development who has vowed not to cut his hair until the city has a new Land Development Code.
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