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Nortey releases affordability plan

Friday, January 22, 2016 by Caleb Pritchard

James Nortey, candidate for Precinct 1 Travis County commissioner, released on Thursday an exhaustive plan addressing affordability in the region. The plan lays out 18 separate proposals listed under four categories: expanding affordable housing, preserving existing affordable housing, increasing economic opportunity and working for fair tax policy. The proposals range from deploying tax increment financing as a revenue stream for subsidized housing projects to investing in job creation and worker-training programs. Nortey’s plan also includes a 19th proposal that calls for the creation of a Housing Resource Center that “would be a centralized one-stop shop to help residents find safe, quality, and affordable housing that fits their family’s needs.” Nortey concludes the six-page plan by saying, “There is no single silver bullet that can defeat our affordability crisis. Rather, this proposal calls for a silver buckshot of solutions from residents, government officials, and business leaders from every part of our community.”

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