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Monkeypox reaches community spread

Thursday, July 14, 2022 by Tai Moses

It’s official: Monkeypox has now progressed to community spread. That sounds pretty bad, but all it really means is that the virus “is moving at such a rate that the source cannot be identified to a single individual or population,” says Austin Public Health. There are six confirmed and seven presumptive cases of monkeypox in Austin-Travis County and the health agency is working hard to get the word out in an effort to educate the public on the steps people can take to protect themselves. Chief among those steps is avoiding skin-to-skin contact with strangers. County Health Authority Dr. Desmar Walkes notes that the practices we’ve learned from Covid-19 will also come in handy to avoid contracting monkeypox: “Try to reduce close, intimate interactions with those whose health history you’re unaware of,” she said. “Use hand sanitizer, and wear masks when in close quarters with others who have symptoms.” The latest local news on monkeypox is updated online every Thursday.

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