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McConaughey takes on Covid-19 in new role
Friday, April 3, 2020 by Tai Moses
Austinite, activist and actor Matthew McConaughey has joined forces with Mayor Steve Adler and County Judge Sarah Eckhardt in a new public service announcement urging young people – particularly college students – to stay home as much as possible and observe social distancing when they do have to go out. “The community is doing really well, but as good as we’re doing, it’s not good enough,” says Mayor Adler. McConaughey adds, “The virus doesn’t spread unless we spread it. If you feel great, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the virus and can’t spread it. Take care of yourself and you’ll be taking care of others. No matter how good you feel, stay home if you can. If there’s a city that can come together and build for a better tomorrow, it’s Austin, Texas.” Watch the video below:
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