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High-tech housing for the homeless

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 by Elizabeth Pagano

Among the 300 homes planned for the next expansion of the Community First! Village for those previously experiencing homelessness will be six units made by Austin-based, 3D-printed home builders Icon Technology. The tech startup also “printed” a new 500-square-foot welcome center for the Northeast Austin village that uses tiny homes to provide residences for the formerly homeless, who also work there and help maintain the grounds. The new homes were funded in part by Cielo Property Group, which has invested in Icon and pledged $1 million to help provide housing to the city’s homeless population. Like traditional construction homes built in Austin, the Icon homes will need to receive a building permit from the city. The city’s first permit for a 3D-printed home was issued at last year’s South by Southwest, as part of a high-profile public bow for the company.

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