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Environmental Dems endorse Travis bonds

Monday, September 11, 2017 by Jo Clifton

Austin Environmental Democrats on Friday voted to endorse the Travis County bond propositions on November’s ballot. Ted Siff, who is president of the organization, extolled the $185 million in bonds, which includes road improvements and upgrades to low-water crossings, as well as money for parks and open space projects. Siff, who is also president of the Shoal Creek Conservancy, urged approval of the bonds and noted that he is treasurer of a political action committee supporting the bonds, Travis Forward PAC. Katherine Romans, executive director of the Hill Country Alliance, and Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea were also on hand to lend their support for the bonds. At the end of the meeting, Greg Hitt, a candidate for judge of the new 459th District Court, introduced himself to the group and asked for their support. All eyes then turned to Shea, who said that she had not officially announced her candidacy yet but that she does plan to run for reelection next year.

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