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District 3 keeps Ethics Commission busy

Friday, September 5, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano

This time, it’s District 3 candidate Fred McGhee who is the subject of a formal ethics complaint. The complaint, filed by fellow District 3 candidate Shaun Ireland, alleges that McGhee has violated city code “by printing and mailing a postcard for the purpose of political advertising, without a required disclosure notice.” The postcard in question is an advertisement for McGhee’s book, History of Montopolis. McGhee’s campaign logo and information about his campaign Facebook page are included on the postcard by way of a return address. In a news release, Ireland expressed respect for his opponent. “I would like to consider this lack of disclosure an honest mistake, but Dr. McGhee has run for other offices,” wrote Ireland. “I am sure he is well aware of the requirements of city code and state law.” McGhee told the Monitor that the purpose of the mailers was to promote his book, not his campaign. “It’s a relatively minor matter,” said McGhee. “There are many, many more important things for the 12 candidates in District 3 to be talking about.”


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