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Council limits adult-oriented businesses
Friday, April 17, 2015 by Sunny Sone
Don’t expect any more strip clubs downtown. City Council unanimously approved an ordinance disallowing adult-oriented businesses within 1,000 feet of a museum or library. This adds them to a list including schools, day care facilities, churches and public parks. The change was spurred by plans to open a strip club on Congress Avenue near the Mexic-Arte Museum and The Contemporary Austin Art Museum. The club’s permit has been reviewed by staff, and if they resubmit the city will have another two weeks to review it, which all but
guarantees its disapproval. The ordinance, which takes effect in 10 days, also makes businesses trying to place an adult-oriented business downtown subject to review. Every other board and commission that heard the code amendment — the Codes and Ordinances Subcommittee, the Downtown Commission and the Planning Commission — approved it unanimously.
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