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Capital Metro to raise fares today

Monday, January 12, 2015 by Elizabeth Pagano

Starting today, all of Austin’s transit riders will need to bring extra quarters with them to catch a ride. Capital Metro is making changes to all pass prices. The local base fare will increase 25 cents to $1.25. A Local Day Pass will cost $2.50, a 7-Day Pass will cost $11.25 and a 31-Day Pass will cost $41.25. Premium fares will cost $1.75 for a Single Ride, $3.50 for a Day Pass, $16.75 for a 7-Day Pass and $62 for a 31-Day Pass. Commuter fares will cost $3.50 for a Single Ride, $7 for a Day Pass, $27.50 for a 7-Day Pass and $96.25 for a 31-Day Pass. And MetroAccess fares will be $1.75 for a Single Ride, $17.50 for a 10-Ride Booklet and $46.50 for a Monthly Pass.

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