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Business groups back Adler’s bond proposal

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 by Caleb Pritchard

Key members of Austin’s business community are lining up behind Mayor Steve Adler and his $720 million city improvement bond proposal. On Monday, the Austin Chamber of Commerce, the Real Estate Council of Austin, the Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce and the Austin Technology Council issued a joint statement in support of the plan, which would largely fund projects along several of Austin’s busiest corridors. “Improving Austin’s corridors will help enable the realization of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan and the CodeNEXT process through increased density, better connections throughout the city and enhanced mobility, in addition to the other major arterial road improvements recommended that provide real congestion relief,” the Chamber’s spokesperson, Michael Berman, wrote in the statement. Adler’s proposal would dedicate $500 million to projects along S. Lamar Boulevard, N. Lamar Boulevard north of U.S. Highway 183, Burnet Road north of Koenig Lane, Guadalupe Street from MLK Boulevard to W. 29th Street, and FM 969 from U.S. 183 to the Village of Webberville. One hundred million would be earmarked for regional roadways such as Loop 360 and RM 620, and $120 million would fund bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the city. Those numbers are subject to change, however. Council members Greg Casar and Leslie Pool are holding a Tuesday morning press conference to offer what Casar has suggested will be “significant amendments” to the mayor’s proposal.

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