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ASSET launches

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 by Elizabeth Pagano

A new coalition introduced itself to Texas yesterday. The Alliance for Securing and Strengthening the Economy in Texas (or “ASSET”) released a press release announcing its official launch and vowed to “fight for public policies that protect Texas small business owners from burdensome, California-style government regulations.” The 501(c)(4) nonprofit explained that it “believes it is in the best interest of the Texas economy to defend state sovereignty by passing a statewide law to preempt local governments from unilaterally enacting piecemeal local employment and labor laws affecting private employer operational business practices like employer benefits, scheduling, and hiring practices. … Texas businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to operate under these unfunded mandates and burdensome regulations. ASSET believes statewide legislation should be signed into law to prohibit municipalities from instituting local ordinances regulating business practices.” According to that same press release, members include the Real Estate Council of Texas, the Texas Apartment Association, the Texas Hotel & Lodging Association and the Texas Association of Builders.

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