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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Après buyout, le presentation
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 by Elizabeth Pagano
Though it’s still unclear which committee will address the city’s flood buyout policies, Mayor Steve Adler has added some questions to the pending conversation. On City Council’s message board, Adler raised the following queries (with applicable Council committees indicated in parentheses):
- What are the City’s policies for prioritizing buyouts in the 25- and 100-year flood plain and/or other flood prone areas? (Public Utilities)
- What are the City’s policies regarding financing of flood buyouts? (Audit and Finance Committee)
- What actions does the City currently take to ensure that elderly property owners are connected to services that may allow them to safely age in place, before a buyout is recommended? (Health and Human Services Committee)
- What policies are in place with regard to zoning and development approvals in flood prone areas to avoid the need for future buyouts? (Neighborhoods & Planning Committee)
A staff presentation on the topic is expected within the month.
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