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ABIA’s passenger traffic still growing

Friday, November 7, 2014 by Mark Richardson

Austin Bergstrom International Airport was a busy place this week, trying to get everyone leaving town after the Formula 1 weekend on their planes and in the air. Monday’s crowd didn’t break last year’s record following the race, but more than 21,000 people managed to squeeze through the terminal on their way home. Those numbers will show up in ABIA’s monthly report in a few weeks, but passenger traffic data for September was also released this week, and the airport continues to grow. In September, passenger traffic was up 9 percent over the same period in 2013, making it 56 out the last 57 months that ABIA’s monthly passenger volume has increased. Airport officials recently announced that they plan to add seven gates to the east concourse by late 2017, with longer-range plans to build two new concourses that would add another 24 more gates.


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