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2017: In a specific nutshell

Monday, November 14, 2016 by Elizabeth Pagano

Last Thursday, City Council approved its 2017 meeting schedule, with a few changes. Council Member Sheri Gallo observed that, in 2017, two Thursdays will be impacted by “spring break” (aka the “spring festival season” aka “sxsw”) and, as a result, the scheduled March 9 meeting was canceled. A meeting set for Nov. 7, which is an election day that could include constitutional amendments, will probably take place, despite a suggestion by Council Member Don Zimmerman that it be removed as well. Those interested in entering next year’s Council schedule directly into their Google calendars this instant, take note, and find the rest of the meetings online here. Council Member Ellen Troxclair pointed out that Council had opted to add more meetings to its schedule this past year “in an effort to make our Council meetings less lengthy” and, though she wasn’t sure that it had met that goal, encouraged continued pursuit of it nonetheless. The new calendar also confirms a shift back to all meetings being regular meetings, scrapping the experiment of monthly zoning meetings.

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