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Staff reveals Shoal Creek bike facilities plan
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 by Ryan Thornton
Austin Transportation has decided on an option for the two segments of the Shoal Creek Boulevard bicycle facilities project between 38th Street and U.S. Highway 183. The lower segment from 38th Street to Foster Lane will feature a two-way protected bikeway and removed parking on the west side of the boulevard, and the upper will contain a one-way protected bike lane on both sides of the street. The lower segment option also includes new protected intersection design and an underpass at RM 2222. The estimated $3 million-$4 million project will feature a total of 12 new pedestrian crossings in the lower segment. Funding for the project will come primarily from the bikeways portion of the 2016 Mobility Bond. In a survey, 974 respondents preferred the two-way bike lane option while the second most popular option, with 653 votes, was to build nothing at all. A joint statement by Council members Alison Alter and Leslie Pool stated that although 70 percent of survey participants who live along the street did not want the project to be approved, it’s important to balance those concerns with the wishes of the entire community. Construction is expected to begin later this summer.
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