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MoPac to close to install bridge

Thursday, April 9, 2015 by Mark Richardson

The MoPac Improvement Project team says it will temporarily close a portion of the MoPac expressway in order to move the first piece of a 525-foot long bicycle and pedestrian bridge into place Thursday night. The bridge will be moved over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks south of Duval Road. Officials with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority say the move will require the temporary closure of southbound MoPac between Parmer Lane and Braker Lane about 8 p.m. so the bridge can be transported from the MoPac median near Parmer Lane down southbound MoPac.  The bridge is part of a shared-use path that will run down the southbound MoPac frontage road from the Walnut Creek Trail to Capital of Texas Highway near the Arboretum. The remaining two sections of the bridge will be installed over the next few weeks as conditions allow. Officials plan to have MoPac completely reopened by 5 a.m. Friday.

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