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Landmark commission moves to Wednesday

Thursday, April 7, 2022 by Elizabeth Pagano

After a brief stint at the city’s new Permitting and Development Center, the Historic Landmark Commission is headed back to City Hall. The return is the result of a successful protest by the city’s land use commissions, which loudly objected to a proposed move to the new building, which is located near the old Highland Mall. However, the shuffling of schedules means that the landmark commission will be giving up its spot on the fourth Monday of each month. The commission will now meet on the first Wednesday of each month. “I think that there’s a real … symbolic component of the Historic Landmark Commission meeting at City Hall along with the Planning Commission and the Zoning and Platting Commission,” Chair Terri Myers said. “This gives equal access to residents from all of Austin and I think it lends a certain level of authority to the landmark commission, to be heard in City Hall … I’m sorry to lose Monday, but I think this is what we need to do.” The change means the Historic Landmark Commission will not have an April meeting and will instead meet next on May 4, its first Wednesday.

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