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Code office not swamped with visitors

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 by Jo Clifton

As part of the city’s plan to reopen various departments for in-person services, the Austin Code Department opened its on-site cashier’s office on Monday to accept payment of fees and penalties. However, according to Isis Lopez, acting public information and marketing manager for the department, there were no visitors to the cashier’s office on Monday or Tuesday. (Although one person is scheduled to visit the office today.) The cashier’s office, which is open from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. daily, will begin accepting application and registration fees for licensing programs on June 15. In addition, all administrative hearings have been rescheduled beginning July 15. While a large number of employees are still working from home, according to a memo from Code Director José Roig, the department is considering a number of options for in-person visits. Those include visits by appointment only, and walk-in visits with a waiting area seating people 8-10 feet apart. Staff will focus on Covid-19 safety precautions in the waiting room and during the customer intake process, the memo says. For more information, see the department’s website.

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