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City continues to cite SXSW misdeeds

Friday, March 20, 2015 by Mark Richardson

Apparently, the city’s crackdown on non-sanctioned events during South by Southwest has made an impression, as the Public Assembly Code Enforcement, or PACE, team has been handing out fewer citations and has shut down fewer events in the last day or so. However, the PACE team continues to issue a large number of written and verbal warnings to revelers who bend the rules. As of midafternoon Thursday, the PACE team had shut down nine illegal venues and issued 32 citations, 13 written warnings and 99 verbal warnings. Meanwhile, the Austin-Travis County EMS reports that it responded to 53 incidents resulting in 23 patient transports. Those numbers reflect calls for assistance within the downtown footprint where SXSW events are occurring. In addition, the Transportation Department’s Ground Transportation Enforcement team reports that it has issued 46 citations since March 12. Most of the citations were given to pedicab and taxi operators who did not follow city regulations. This number is in addition to numerous parking citations and warnings written by parking enforcement officers. Also, the Austin Police Department says it has instituted its No Refusal policy for suspected drunken drivers through 5 a.m. Sunday. For the most up-to-date information, officials recommend monitoring City of Austin social media.



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