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Boyt campaign points out Pool tax problem

Tuesday, November 25, 2014 by Jo Clifton

District 7 candidate Jeb Boyt’s campaign has complained that his opponent, Leslie Pool, “has been skirting the law to cut her tax payments.” The complaint stems from Pool claiming a homestead exemption on a home she owns on Shoal Creek Boulevard. Her domestic partner, Will Grover, owns a rental property on Fleetwood Drive in South Austin. According to Boyt, Grover is also claiming a homestead exemption, which is not allowed because the property is rental property. Mykle Tomlinson, campaign manager for Boyt, found the information on the financial statement she filed with the city. Grover is also paying Pool back on a loan she made to him to pay off the mortgage on the rental property, Pool reported. Tomlinson said, “Ms. Pool has been to multiple forums and sent mail touting her views on property taxes and tax reform. All the while, she has not been paying her fair share. Candidates should be judged by their actions, not by what they will say to get elected.” According to Tomlinson, the extra homestead exemption saved Grover and Pool about $500 last year. However, Pool said last night that she did not know that her partner was still claiming a homestead exemption on his property. She said Grover is paying back whatever he owes immediately. Pool added, “I just think it’s really unfortunate that my significant other had to be dragged into the campaign.”


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