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AFD makes ‘Virtual Career Day’ video

Monday, May 11, 2020 by Tai Moses

In ordinary times, firefighters make appearances at elementary schools to tell the kids all about their exciting career and what kids need to do if they want to grow up to be firefighters. But in these extraordinary times, that’s not happening. Refusing to be thwarted by “some silly germs,” the Austin Fire Department has made a career day video narrated by Capt. Lyzz Donelson, who runs the cadet training program – “which is kind of like being the principal of the school,” she explains. A 6-minute video may not be a substitute for getting to climb all over a fire engine, but kids will enjoy this lively peek into “the coolest job in the world.” And Donelson answers the burning question: Do firefighters really get cats out of trees?

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