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TipSheet: Travis County Commissioners Court, 2.17

Tuesday, February 17, 2015 by Michael Kanin

The Travis County Commissioners Court meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday. In the interest of space, we’ve decided not to post the entire agenda here. The County Clerk’s office hosts a copy at its website.

Items of interest include:

4. Receive presentation from Emergency Services on current staffing, programs and goals. (Judge Eckhardt)

Monitor’s Take: The divisions of the county’s emergency services department are set to brief the Court about where they’ve been, where they are going, and what metrics they’d be measured by.

5. Receive presentation from Justice and Public Safety on current programs, and short-term and long-term priorities. (Commissioner Daugherty & Commissioner Gómez)

Monitor’s Take: Ditto number four here, though what public safety officials have planned is a bit heavier on the goals and lighter on the metrics than their peers at EMS.

12. Consider and take appropriate action on HRMD/Fire Marshall request to make a $125 add pay per month available to Fire Marshal personnel on the non-TCSO POPS Scale. The add pay would be for certification as a Fire Plans Examiner. (Commissioner Davis & Commissioner Gómez)

Monitor’s Take: This item would authorize the County’s Human Resources Department to add an extra $125 per month in pay for any Travis County Fire Marshall that achieves Fire Plans Examiner certification. Total annualized impact is expected to be $9,000.

17. Consider and take appropriate action on the 416 West 11th Street Office Building and Parking Structure (DA Office) Project: a.Receive Cost Estimate and Cost Comparison Report from Halford Busby; and b.Give staff direction on how to proceed. (Judge Eckhardt)

Monitor’s Take: The ongoing saga of how to proceed with a work on a building for the Travis County district attorney’s office. Previous Monitor coverage of the issue is here.


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Key Players & Topics In This Article

Travis County Commissioners Court: The legislative body for Travis County. It includes representatives from the four Travis County Precincts, as well as the County Judge. The County Judge serves as the chair of the Court.

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