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TipSheet: Travis County, 12.8.15

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 by Caleb Pritchard

The Travis County Commissioners Court meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday. In the interest of space, we’ve decided not to post the entire agenda here. The County Clerk’s office hosts a copy at its website.

4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding County response to weather events in Travis and surrounding counties. (Judge Eckhardt)

Monitor’s Take: Per a recent request from the Commissioner Court, county staff recently compiled an inventory of low-income households in areas devastated by heavy floods in late October. This information should give the commissioners a better idea of how much assistance the county will need to provide during the recovery process.

6. Receive presentation from Health and Human Services and Veterans Service Department regarding short-term and long-term goals. (Commissioner Gómez)

12. Receive presentation from Human Resources Management Department regarding short-term and long-term goals. (Commissioner Gómez)

13. Receive presentation from Facilities Management Department regarding short-term and long-term goals. (Commissioner Gómez)

Monitor’s Take: This week, several departments will hold forth in front of the Commissioners Court and present their strategic visions for 2016 and beyond. For serious policy junkies, these briefings promise a true opium den of wonkish delight.

30. Consider and take appropriate action on the issuance of a request for development proposal for 5325-5335 Airport Boulevard (Travis County North Campus). (Commissioner Davis)

Monitor’s Take: With mixed-use development being the real swinging trend nowadays, it’s only natural for a hep county such as Travis to try to put its own spin on things. County planners have long eyed the Airport Boulevard property as a potential site for a combination of county offices, private retail, and affordable housing units. If approved, the RFP would be issued later this month.

31. Consider and take appropriate action on Modification No. 17 to Contract No. 4500000031 (H.T.E. Contract No. 07T00173VC), Securus Technologies, Inc., for Inmate Pay Phone Services and Video Visitation. (Judge Eckhardt)

Monitor’s Take: The proposed contract modification comes response to an FCC order that cuts the fees inmates and their family pay for telecommunications services (phone calls, video visitations, etc.). The Court will consider three options, one of which eliminates the commission that the county collects from the revenues Secures Technologies makes by charging the fees.

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Key Players & Topics In This Article

Travis County Commissioners Court: The legislative body for Travis County. It includes representatives from the four Travis County Precincts, as well as the County Judge. The County Judge serves as the chair of the Court.

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